Dancing with Plants

Playing with Time is a traveling exhibit designed by the Science Museum of Minnesota. The exhibit includes a number of interactive stations where visitors explore time by examining things that happen too fast or too slow to observe by eye. One exhibit uses some of our time-lapse movies of plants and green-screen video technology to allow visitors to "get" into the screen with the plants and try to mimic their movements. This exhibit is a fun way for visitors to observe that plants are dynamic living things.

The short movie on your left shows a glimpse of the "Plant Dance" exhibit (provided by the Science Museum of Minnesota). The voice is that of Katrina Hase, the exhibit designer. The exhibit was on display from March 16, 2002 to August 25, 2002 in St. Paul, Minnesota. It then moved to the Museum Of Life And Science Durham, North Carolina where it was on display from Oct 5, 2002 to Jan 12, 2003 followed by the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, California. It has been to many venues since and will continue to travel throughout the country until 2009.

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